Sunday, January 15, 2012

Mixed Feeling About Sharing Work

I just wanted to share that I have mixed feelings about not sharing our work with each other. At first, I was concerned about sharing personal information. Naturally, this has nothing to do with trust, since I totally trust my classmates, as much as it has to do with too much information that would need to be clarified, and shouldn't. However, having said that, I see real value in sharing our work with each other in sharing our individual approaches to the same problem. In this particular case, since a worksheet template was not provided, everyone had to create one on their own. Some of us have varying degrees of experience with Excel. Some of us have absolutely none. I think that being able to see how someone else approached a solution using Excel would provide stimulation for ideas on other ways to solve the same problem. Since the scenario is five years into the future, any issues with presenting personal information, I believe, is not a real consideration.
Just a thought.


  1. I agree. I know nothing about excel. I just ended up using the moneyunder30 one and changing it all to my needs. I had already decided that for this class I am going to use my real numbers. I think that I will get the most out of the class if I am applying it to myself. I know that money is a very personal subject, but I think we all know that we are all different and that we all have different means in our lives.That's my thought on it.

  2. Me and my husband are uncomfortable with sharing our exact info, but I also feel I need to do it in a way that will help me with my actually situation. That being said, I think I might have the real thing on the side for my benefit, but what I do for my classwork will remain a pretend scenario.
