Sunday, October 30, 2011

The above link should take you to YNAB. If not Google YNAB.
YNAB is the budget application I use for keeping a budget. Unlike other programs, this one focuses on building a reserve so that you are paying this month's bills with a reserve from last month. It's a process that can take several months, to a year. However, if you stick to it, you'll find that you're working with your budget as opposed to using your budget to only track your mistakes. That's what I did for years with Quicken. YNAB also offers tutorials to get you on track. In addition, during tax season, they also offer additional tutorials that really help break down tax stuff in simple to understand terms. This system, more than any other I've tried, helped me accomplish some things I thought were out of reach. It's more about the process, than the program. Good luck budgeting.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Create My Best Life Now

 I have just posted a new newsletter. Click on the link below and it will take you directly to it. You can find healthy recipes, and health tips. There is no charge, lots of places to look around for great ideas on being healthy. If you have any questions, just let me know.

Tip for the day: "Chew your drink and Drink your food"

This means if you are drinking any thing take your time to drink it, swish it around and enjoy it. And chew your food until it becomes liquid form. Chew, Chew, Chew! This is great for your digestion, you will absorb the nutrients from your food much better.  

In Love & Light

 Create My Best Life Now

I figured it out

It finally figured it out. I am to break it all down. This is so cool.

budget homework can someone help me?

Can someone help me understand the budget homework? I am totally lost when it comes to numbers! When I enter the expenses for the week, it calculates a total off to the right. This total is not what I pay every week. Do I recalculate it to the right total? Or do I break it down into what it would be weekly?
Thanks for your help!
here is my number if you want to really talk about it...
914-388-1218 cell

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

This is Really a Great Tool

Thank you Becky, again, for setting this up. I have to be more diligent in following it, but when I do I really appreciate the open and free comments that are posted here. We really need to encourage everyone to use it. It is really a helpful tool.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Answer ALL the question to TWO different topics

I just received a text from Sister Shippen.

She says to answer ALL the question in two different topics!

When you click on a topic it says answer 2 question.

Monday, October 24, 2011

How many questions are we to answer?

I am confused. On the main thread it says to choose two topics and answer ALL the questions. Then on the topic I choose it says to answer two questions. Am I reading it wrong? Do we only answer 2 questions to two different topics? Or all the questions in two different topics? Thanks

Budget Worksheet

Just curious how you guys feel about the budget worksheet.  It is really designed for a student on campus.  Plus I am a little uncomfortable sharing such personal info.  I have sent and email to the professor.  Any thoughts?

Friday, October 21, 2011

I can do it!

This is my first blog entry on my own! Look I can do it! Thanks for walking me through the steps Becky.

Martira, you did a great job as lead student last night. I hope that your troubles from yesterday morning are passed and all is well with you and your loved ones.

Have a great week-end all of you!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

MJ is having a....

MJ is having a baby boy!  Think blue.  This is her first baby.

Example of a blog post

Jeanne and Gail are great!

Smart Choices Worksheet

Did anyone else find this worksheet rather challenging?  I would like to read the book mentioned in the video but I haven't been able to find the link.  I sent an email but haven't received a response yet.  I think I might have to do this one a couple of times before I totally understand how to apply it properly.  If anyone has any insights that might help, I would appreciate it.  This is the part I had the hardest time understanding.

Create a consequences table for remaining alternatives.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Welcome to the blog

This is a place where we can talk.  We can post about what is going on in our lives, ask questions about assignments or just have a little fun.  I love that we are getting to know each other better. We all have unique personalities that make our class and life so interesting.   

Feel free to post pictures.  Jay I would like you to take a picture of our whole class together, including our teachers.   I would like to have that under our heading.  

When you post if you put your name as the label, you will be able to find anything that you post under that label and print it out.  I know that my sisters use their blogs as a journal, because they can print  any of the posts.

I know that I really do not need to say this, but I would be a bad parent if I did not say anything.  Please do not post anything negative about anyone in the class, do not use bad words, and of course no off-color jokes or pictures.

I think that this will be a wonderful forum to get to know each other better.  I am looking forward to reading Michael's post, I am hoping that MJ will post pictures of her baby and let us know what she is having.  I know that I will enjoy all reading about everyone's day to day lives.