Thursday, October 20, 2011

Smart Choices Worksheet

Did anyone else find this worksheet rather challenging?  I would like to read the book mentioned in the video but I haven't been able to find the link.  I sent an email but haven't received a response yet.  I think I might have to do this one a couple of times before I totally understand how to apply it properly.  If anyone has any insights that might help, I would appreciate it.  This is the part I had the hardest time understanding.

Create a consequences table for remaining alternatives.


  1. I went back today and watched the video again and made and outline and new worksheet. It is a little late for the assignment but if anyone would like it for future use or reference let me know and I will email you a copy.

  2. I like how your posted comment shows your picture and name. How you do that???
    I would be interested in seeing your outline and revised worksheet.
    If you would, kindly send it to this email address: Thanks. ~ Jay
