Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Help with Unit Conversions

Hope this helps anyone who might be having issues understanding Unit Conversions

How many inches are there in 3 yards?

What we want is the same number only different name.

For example   5 is the same as 25/5 or 50/10

In this case we have 3 yards so we multiply by 1 to get another answer (or another name for the same number).   

1=3 feet       1=12 inches  
    1 yard                1 foot

In this problem we need to convert the 3 yards into feet first then into inches.

3 yards   X   3 Feet    X  12 inches  =
       1           1 yard          1 foot        (The unit you need to cancel out should be on the bottom and the unit you are changing into on the top)

Yards and Feet cancel out

3 yards   X   3 Feet    X  12 inches  =  Becomes 3 x 3 x 12 = 108 inches
          1           1 yard          1 foot        

You can do this with any units of measure.

2nd example

8 Euros equal how many English pounds?

We know that 1 Euro is equal to $1.30 Dollars so we will need to first convert The 8 Euros into Dollars

8 Euros  x  1 Dollar  =  8 Dollars  = 6.15 Dollars 
       1          1.30 E            1.30

Now we convert 6.15 dollars into Pounds

6.15 D  x   1  pound6.15 pounds   =   4.10 pounds
     1           1.50 D        1.50 Dollars

or you can simplify by writing it out like this

8 Euros  x  1 Dollar   x   1  pound=   8 x 1 pound  =       8      = 4.10 pounds
     1            1.30 E            1.50 D       1.30 x 1.50         1.95        

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Mixed Feeling About Sharing Work

I just wanted to share that I have mixed feelings about not sharing our work with each other. At first, I was concerned about sharing personal information. Naturally, this has nothing to do with trust, since I totally trust my classmates, as much as it has to do with too much information that would need to be clarified, and shouldn't. However, having said that, I see real value in sharing our work with each other in sharing our individual approaches to the same problem. In this particular case, since a worksheet template was not provided, everyone had to create one on their own. Some of us have varying degrees of experience with Excel. Some of us have absolutely none. I think that being able to see how someone else approached a solution using Excel would provide stimulation for ideas on other ways to solve the same problem. Since the scenario is five years into the future, any issues with presenting personal information, I believe, is not a real consideration.
Just a thought.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Thoughts on Class this week?

I thought class was a little chaotic.  It was hard to focus and hear with so many different discussions going on at the same time.  I think that it will be helpful if the lead student set up chairs etc in the rooms off to the sides before class.   This way we could separate into the small groups and then come back to our other seats ,without too much commotion.  I also discovered that the whole group was suppose to get back together to discuss the final questions.

Next week, I think we should discuss things we can do to help this go more smoothly.  I think things would move along more quickly if we were not all in the same room when we are in the small groups.

Anyone else have any thoughts or ideas?

How to access our assignments

If you have not already been told, in order to access the rest of our assignments you need to click on "open" at the bottom on the right.   Then type in text or attach a document, then submit.  (If you were a lead student this should be your "group report sheet".) For everyone else I am not sure just type something.  After, you do this it will allow you access the rest of the folders.  You will have to go to the "(01) Student lead directions" in folder "b" and either select "mark this activity complete" on the bottom right if you were not the lead student, or click on the "lead student link" if you were the lead student.  Have fun ;)!

Friday, January 6, 2012

math tricks

Here are some math tricks I came across... good luck studying!

Times Four
Isn't it true that 4 is really 2 x 2? And since 2's are doubles, why not just double the number then double that answer? For instance, in the problem 4 x 6: 6 + 6 = 12 and 12 + 12 = 24.

Times Five
To quickly multiply by 5, divide the number in two and then multiply it by 10.  Often this can be done quickly in your head.
Example: 14 x 5 becomes 7 (half of 14) x 10 = 70
Remember any odd number x 5 will always end in a 5
Any even number x 5 will always end in a 0

Times Nine
When you need to multiply a single digit times 9, to figure the answer, start with "one less than" the number being multiplied (10's digit). The one's digit is the difference between this number and 9.
9 X 4 = : One less than 4 is 3, plus 6 more make 9: 36. 9x4=36
9 X 5 = : One less than 5 is 4, plus 5 more make 9: 45. 9x5=45
9 x 6 =: One less than 6 is 5 -- 5 + ? = 9 . That's right -- 4! ... so 9 x 6 = 54
9 X 7 = : One less than 7 is 6, plus 3 more make 9: 63. 9x7= 63
9 X 8 = : One less than 8 is 7, plus 2 more make 9: 72. 9 x 7 = 72
Times Eleven
Did you know there are 2 patterns for the 11's? I think everyone knows how to arrive at the answers to the single digit numbers: 11 X 1, 11 X 2, etc. To multiply a single digit times eleven, just write the number down twice:
11 X 2 = 22
11 X 3 = 33
11 X 4 = 44
This only works through 11 X 9 = 99.
What about 11 X 11 and 11 X 12 and even more?
Here is a way to multiply 2 digit numbers times 11.
The Rule: When multiplying a 2 digit number times eleven, add the 2 digits together and put the sum between them - this is your answer.

11 X 53: 5 + 3 = 8, so put the 8 between the 5 and 3. Your answer is 583!
11 X 12: 1 + 2 = 3; put the 3 between the 1 and 2. Your answer is 132.
11 X 42: 4 + 2 = 6; put the 6 between the 4 and 2. Your answer is 462.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Bishop's Counsel, "Continue with Pathways Program"

I met with my Bishop on Sunday, and short of telling me what to do, he counseled that I should continue with the Pathways program. The reason I considered not to, was due to the demands the program has on my focus. I still intend to pursue a real estate license and that requires completing a 72 hour course on-line. I thought that it would be too much for me to handle, to do both. The question that I couldn't answer was, whether I was afraid of the extra commitment, extra work, and pushing myself, or whether it was that it was an impossibility to do both. After carefully thinking about it, I have to say that I am better prepared to meet the challenge as a result of my participation in the Pathways program in the first place. Maybe, that's more it than anything else. I don't yet fully appreciate or identify with the person that has grown since September of last year. So with your help, support, and prayers, I have decided to take on the challenge and do both. As I was writing this I began to weep uncontrollably because of the testimony I have that I know that this is what my Heavenly Father wants me to do. When that happens, when I have that testimony, I am more afraid of not doing, than I am courageous. However, I have complete confidence that He will help me through it. I love you guys, and to be quite honest, I was having a little trouble dealing with the fact that I wouldn't be associating with you all as we do in the program. So at least now, that's one less thing for me to think about.